In the framework of the "Sub-component 2.1 Credit Line for medium-term investment loans/leases, and support to value chains” of Agriculture Commercialization Project” which is implemented by the PIU of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan. The training for employees of credit departments of the Participating Financial Institutions (PFI) was organized.
The aim of the training is to conduct a comprehensive training on environmental and social issues, as these issues should be considered when issuing loans under the abovementioned project.
The training was held from May 19 to 21, 2016 in Dushanbe and in the end of course according to the test results, the certificates were given to participants.
According to the preliminary plan, the following trainings will be held also in Khujand, Kurgan-Tyube, Kulyab and Tursunzade.
The company that conducted the trainings shall train at least 150 employees in credit departments of the head offices and branches of PFI that will deal directly with the issuance of preferential credits for farms in the framework of the above project.