According to World Bank requirements when using loans it is important to comply with environmental and social standards under its activities. With the aim of monitoring by consultants of AED PMU and PIU "Access to green and rural development finance" under MOF-RT and representatives of MDO Banks “Dastras” and “Humo”, "Arvand" and “Eskhata”, LLC “IMON International” had viewed and conducted interviews with households that received loans with a trip to the following regions:
• RRS: Shahrinav, Tursunzoda, Gissar and Vahdat districts;
• Sughd region: B. Gafurov, J. Rassulov and Spitamen districts;
As a result of the evaluations a certificate was submitted to PIU MOF-RT for appropriate actions;
It was noted that social requirements of the World Bank and Project were met by sub-borrowers, i.e. the use of child labor, pregnant women or people with disabilities had not been observed.