According to the contract of AED PMU with a consulting research company M-Vector:

Contract No. AED/PMU/CQS/2015-01 from May 24, 2016 a baseline study was conducted to collect quantitative and qualitative information for the study of production and marketing activities of the participants of the value chain: farmers, suppliers, processors, wholesalers, and sellers of agricultural products in 8 regions of the country: RRS, Khatlon and Sughd regions and Dushanbe.

Total number of surveyed farmers (households) – 1870 people and 47 in-depth interviews with suppliers, intermediaries, producers and sellers. Field works were conducted from August 3 to 31 of the current year. On the progress of the field works monitoring was conducted in Rasht district, RRS and Mastchoh district of Sughd region.
Currently, the final report on the results of this study is submitted.














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