As one of the mechanisms to ensure the success of the Project is the development and implementation of Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM).

To implement this work, AED PMU signed a contract with a Public Charity Organization “Oriyon”, Contract No. AED/PMU/CQS/2015-2 from April 18, 2016. At present, under this programme the following activities are implemented:

• Printed books - manuals and brochures on GRM as brief information for application of GRM on the part of the Project beneficiaries which were distributed to the participants during the workshops;
• Workshops were conducted in the pilot districts of RRS, Khatlon and Sughd regions. Each group consisted of at least 25 people; the total coverage of the participants is 4115 beneficiaries, of which 1062 are women;
• In 21 target areas were set three boxes, and in the larger districts - four boxes for GRM (80 boxes). Regional officers permanently (twice a month) check the contents of the boxes, if needed replace broken ones;
• Currently, in total we have received 123 proposals and requests from beneficiaries to support their business;
• Awareness-raising activities are ongoing.












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