Training of specialists of participating financial institutions (PFI) on the environmental and social issues

  • Wednesday, Oct 19 2016

According to the developed work schedule in May - July of the current year, three-day training sessions were held for specialists of financial institutions (PFI) on the environmental and social issues.

These trainings were attended by representatives of 9 financial institutions (JSC "AccessBank Tajikistan", CJSC MDO "Humo", LLC MDO "Dastras", MDO "Muzaffariyat", LLC MDO "Arvand", MDO "Oxus", CJSC "First MicroFinance Bank", LLC MDO "IMON International" and OJSC "Bank Eskhata").

Training were conducted by trainers of PO "Manager Adviser" who have the contract with the PIU (Project Implementation Unit) of the Ministry of Finance of RT. All the seminars were attended by 121 employees, 15 of them were women.

The participants received information on legislative documents, Project components, the need to support beneficiaries and provide them full assistance on environmental and social issues. It is primarily the protection of legal, social and environmental issues among dehkan farms, processors, borrowers, etc. This goal is introduced into the PMU Operational manual by the World Bank.

Consultants on social and environmental issues and AED PMU regional officer in RRS held monitoring, provided information on the Project and he participated in the discussions during the trainings in the regions of the RRS. At the end of each workshop test checks were conducted on the acquired knowledge by the participants of the seminar.

At the end of the training the participants received Certificates.


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Published in TRAININGS

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