Title of consulting services: Training on production and storage of food (agricultural products) for consumption and their diversity.
The aim of this training is to increase agricultural production and improve the nutrition of family members, especially women and children, the main types of food that meet the requirements of rational nutrition standards. This training program will cover 6 districts: two districts in Khatlon region (Khovaling and Balkh) and Sughd region (Asht and Konibodom) and RRS (Rasht and Shahrinav). The implementation period of the project: July - August 2017.
The names of the bidders:
LLC «М-Vektor» (Tajikistan)
PO “Umedbakhsh” (Tajikistan)
PO «Fund for poverty reduction» (Tajikistan)
PO «Center for community initiatives Wasl» (Tajikistan)
PO «Association Woman and society» (Tajikistan)
Consulting company «ERGies» (Tajikistan)
Name of the winning bidder:
PO “Umedbakhsh”
Contract price: US$16 245
Date of contract signing: April 26, 2017