State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” (SI AED)
Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project (SRASP)
RECRUITMENT: Coordinator component 3 - 1 position
The Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project is an IDA grant in the amount of US$ 58 million prepared to support Tajikistan for the purpose of foundations for a more resilient agriculture sector refer to the availability of public agricultural services, including improved seeds, seedlings, and planting materials; agri-logistical services; agro meteorological information, soil testing, locust control and crop protection.
The project is implemented by the State Institution Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development Project Management Unit (SI AED PMU).
The development objective of the proposed project is to strengthen the foundations for a more resilient agricultural sector in Tajikistan.
State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” (SI AED) now invites qualified specialists with relevant work experience to participate in the competitive selection for the vacant position of the Coordinator component 3.
Component 3 Coordinator will be fully responsible for implementation of the component 3 (Strengthen public capacity for crises prevention and management) and sub-components 3.1-3.3 (3.1: Real-time monitoring of agricultural production, land use, and agro meteorology; 3.2: Soil fertility management; and 3.3: Crop protection and locust control) under the guidance of Deputy Director/SRAS Project Coordinator.
The Component 3 Coordinator duties and responsibilities are follows:
Relevant to management of the component
• In close collaboration with Deputy Director/SRAS Project Coordinator and other AED PMU specialists/staff ensure timely preparation of annual work plans and budget with relevant outputs/outcomes indicator to contribute of achievement of Project Development Objective (PDO);
• Develop and finalized Term of Reference (ToR) for the consultants, training and technical service providers in close collaboration with other project staff;
• Guide Training Specialist and contribute on development of the training modules under component 3 with of the project, planning and their implementation;
• Undertake day to day planning, implementation and coordination activities under Component 3, and be responsible for ensuring that implementation;
• Provide technical input in the procurement of materials and services required for the Project and ensure that the arrangements are in place for timely delivery of these inputs;
• Monitor the service providers’ performance and verify that it conforms to the technical requirements and quality standards agreed to in the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement;
• Review of implementation plans, work plans, budgets, or monitoring and evaluation plans and ensure consistency with the terms and conditions of the contracts with service providers.
• Take notes on any material deficiencies in the service providers’ performance and submit them to the immediate attention of the Deputy Director/SRAS Project Coordinator and AED PMU Director;
• Carry out review and provide comments of the progress reports, work plans, proposals and other deliverables (e.g., technical assistance proposals or technical design documents) of the service providers;
• Assist and support on the following actions:
o Creation of an organizational structure to advise on development and management of AGRIDATA stack and real-time monitoring/ planning dashboards;
o Survey of datasets relevant to agriculture across all agencies, ministries, and private sector
o Creation of an information technology infrastructure;
o Creation of an AGRIDATA dashboard and initial digital services;
o Necessary training for using and maintaining the AGRIDATA stack and dashboard;
o Assessing requirements of new agro meteorological stations across Tajikistan’s agro-climatic zones;
o Installation of new agro meteorological stations and harmonizing existing stations to ensure data transfer to AGRIDATA stack;
o Disseminating weather forecast through the AGRIDATA stack;
o Development of Digital alert systems for weather, pest/diseases and crop advisory.
• Work closely with M&E specialist to develop a monitoring and evaluation system on frame of the component;
• Contribute and assist M&E Specialist in monitoring progress, quality of inputs and outputs;
• Provide information on the progress of contracts and planned activities;
• Identification and dissemination of achievements, success stories and best practices of the project that have contributed to the increased institutional effectiveness of partner organizations;
• Provide expert opinion on technical matters related to the SRASP implementation;
• Facilitate and assist in conducting consultation workshops with key stakeholders;
• Facilitate technical training of beneficiaries on regulatory compliance;
• Regularly review progress in the implementation of component 3 support to partner institutions, including regular visits to institutional partners and meetings with them, report any feedback and help develop measures to improve component 3 implementation.
Relevant to partner coordination and support
• Provide strategic engagement, networking and collaboration with project stakeholders/partners;
• Coordinate the action, in particular, with service providers:
o increasing capacity of MoA to collect and analyse location-specific weather information, in collaboration with the Agency for Meteorology; and
o providing early warning and timely diagnosis for farmers, which will address the currently delayed and inaccurate agro meteorological information provision, building on the FAO/European Union (EU) pilot in Tajikistan
• Contribute and coordinate the support capacity building to experts, scientists and local communities in natural resource management through a combination of:
o awareness creation and training;
o provision of field and office equipment and critical supplies; and
o Provision of extension services such as demonstrations, field days and ‘hands-on’ exercises.
• Contribute for efficient management of risks relating to the protection of plants from pest, mainly locusts, in the country:
o investing in broad-scale control measures of locust and other pests, including collection of data on pests’ incidence, laboratory diagnostics for pest detection and identification;
o Investing in physical and human capacity of the public institutions responsible for crop protection and locust control, including equipment, materials, and staff training. Main elements of support under this subcomponent include:
(a) investing in broad-scale measures to monitor and control the locusts and prevent pest-related crop damage and loss, as well as pesticide residue-related risks for the health of consumers of food of plant origin, and
(b) Investing in human capacity to conduct monitoring and apply the control measures, including provision of trainings.
• Ensure the formation and proper functioning of executive committees in each of the project partner institutions as a basis for the development, initiation and implementation of project support;
• Oversee the development and operation of seed laboratories and nurseries for growing seedlings supported by the project;
• Oversee programs to change and adapt legislation, project partner institutions in which they participate;
• Facilitate and assist in the selection and assessment of beneficiaries in the framework of the project;
Draw up and finalize MOUs with the private sector, beneficiaries, and government partner institutions as required for the operation of the sector development program.
The Coordinator component 3 shall work in the English, Russian and Tajik languages. Documents shall be prepared in the English and Russian Language.
• University diploma in agriculture or related fields construction in agriculture, digital technologies in agriculture. or equivalent;
• Minimum 5-year experience in public and/or private sector development;
• Minimum 3-year experience working with the World Bank or other donor organizations;
• Prior experience in agriculture sector support and capacity building;
• Experience on coordination of project activities.
• Good Computer skills MS Word, MS Excel.
• Fluent knowledge of Tajik, Russian, and English languages.
A cover letter (2 pages maximum) and resume (3 pages maximum) clearly demonstrating how applicants meet essential qualifications and asset criteria should be submitted to: State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” (SI AED) at
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with “Coordinator component 3” in the subject line by no later than January 10, 2022 until 5:00 pm. Only full packages will be considered.
Applicants for the position of the Coordinator component 3 will be selected in accordance with the procedures specified in the "Guidelines for the selection and hiring of Specialists by the World Bank.
You can get acquainted with the full Terms of Reference (Terms of Reference and Scope of Services) of the Coordinator component 3 in the SI AED PMU at the address: Rudaki district, Jamoat Russia, Village 1-may, 432. Republic of Tajikistan, State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” (SI AED)
Contact phone: + Tel / fax: (44) 6100013; (44) 6100014; e-mail:
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