Вторник, 28 Декабрь 2021 13:17


State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” (SI AED)
Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project (SRASP)

RECRUITMENT: Legal Specialist - 1 position

The Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project is an IDA grant in the amount of US$ 58 million prepared to support Tajikistan for the purpose of foundations for a more resilient agriculture sector refer to the availability of public agricultural services, including improved seeds, seedlings, and planting materials; agro-logistical services; agro meteorological information, soil testing, locust control and crop protection.

The project is implemented by the State Institution Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development Project Management Unit (SI AED PMU).


The development objective of the proposed project is to strengthen the foundations for a more resilient agricultural sector in Tajikistan.

State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” (SI AED) now invites qualified specialists with relevant work experience to participate in the competitive selection for the vacant position of the Legal Specialist

Reporting directly to the SE “AED PMU” Director, the Legal Specialist of the SE “AED PMU” will have the overall responsibility for ensuring the development of an effective legislation system that provides all the legal information required for the Project. He/she will also be responsible for the legal knowledge management of the SRASP.  He will be based at the SE “AED PMU” office in Dushanbe and will work closely with other Project staff, implementing partners, and project beneficiaries. In his/her activities, the Legal Specialist follows the Project Operation Manual (POM) of SE “AED PMU”, Charter of SE “AED PMU”, acting legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, and orders of the SE “AED PMU” Director.  Legal Specialist will be responsible for the following tasks:
•    To provide legal advice or review Project documents, concerning the agriculture policies, Project related laws, and regulations or those which are required for future improvement of agriculture development, including providing a regulation draft if necessary;
•    To provide legal advice on and review of legal documents in relation to projects, including review of minutes, project documentation, and project implementation in view of the project related laws and regulations;
•    To provide legal advice on and review of the proposed project structures in view of the prevailing regulations, to help the beneficiaries and Partners develop best practice projects;
•        To accompany AED PMU staff in the meeting or discussion with Project-related stakeholders concerning the implementation of Project policies as well as proposed Partner projects or transactions;
•    Assist in develop of developing the ToR for other consultants to be hired by AED PMU to provide draft regulations and other legal regulatory works as needed for Project frameworks, improvements, and advice on feasibility studies and transactions;
•    To communicate and coordinate his/her work to AED PMU Director and Project Coordinator.
The Legal Specialist shall work in the English, Russian and Tajik languages. Documents shall be prepared in the English and Russian Language.


•    The legal Specialist with minimum of 8 (eight) years working experience including significant experiences of working with private and government institutions in public finance and infrastructure delivery related areas;
•    Have a good knowledge of policy and concept as well as the prevailing agriculture related laws and regulations in Tajikistan;
•    Familiarity with the Project Unit or other project institutions procedures and business process;
•    Have a good knowledge of Tajikistan’s government structure and agriculture development in Tajikistan;
•    Sound Tajik and Russian language capability (written and spoken) and reporting
writing skills;
•    Proven ability to work independently with limited supervision and operate effectively
in a team environment;

A cover letter (2 pages maximum) and resume (3 pages maximum) clearly demonstrating how applicants meet essential qualifications and asset criteria should be submitted to: State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” (SI AED) at Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. with “Legal Specialist” in the subject line by no later than January 10, 2022 until 5:00 pm. Only full packages will be considered.
Applicants for the position of the Legal Specialist will be selected in accordance with the procedures specified in the "Guidelines for the selection and hiring of Specialists by the World Bank.

You can get acquainted with the full Terms of Reference (Terms of Reference and Scope of Services) of the Legal Specialist in the SI AED PMU at the address: Rudaki district, Jamoat Russia, Village 1-may, 432. Republic of Tajikistan, State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” (SI AED)
Contact phone: + Tel / fax: (44) 6100013; (44) 6100014; e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

Прочитано 3800 раз Последнее изменение Вторник, 28 Декабрь 2021 13:18

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