Понедельник, 24 Апрель 2023 08:44

Regional coordinator for the Badakhshan and RRS regions


RECRUITMENT: Regional coordinator for the Badakhshan - 1 position
Regional coordinator for the RRS regions - 1 position


The Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project is funded by the International Development Association (IDA) grant in the amount of US$ 58 million prepared to support Tajikistan for the purpose of building foundations for a more resilient agriculture sector referring to the availability of public agricultural services, including improved seeds, seedlings, and planting materials; agri-logistical services; agrometeorological information, soil testing, locust control, and crop protection. The World Bank approved additional grant financing of US$50 million equivalent grant from the IDA20 Crisis Response Window Early Response Financing (CRW ERF) as additional financing to the SRASP (SRASP AF).

The development objective of the SRASP AF is to strengthen the foundations for a more resilient agricultural sector and support emergency interventions to address food and nutrition security in Tajikistan. The project will provide additional financing (AF) for the following components: (i) strengthening seed, seedling, and planting material systems; (ii) support investments in agri-logistical centers (ALCs) for horticulture value chains; (iii) strengthen public capacity for crises prevention and management; and (iv) project management and coordination.

The Project is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan through the State Institute “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” which is Project Management Unit for the World Bank-funded Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project (SI AED PMU).


Reporting directly to the Deputy Director of SE “AED PMU”, the regional coordinator (based in the SRASP target regions) will have the overall responsibility for direct supervision of the SRASP implementation at their regional level. He/she will work closely with other SRASP staff, implementing partners, and the SRASP beneficiaries. In his/her activities the regional coordinator follows the Project Operation Manual of SE “AED PMU”, Charter of SE “AED PMU”, acting legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan and orders of the SE “AED PMU” Director.

The duties of the regional coordinator include the following tasks:
• Ensure the timely collation and preparation of the annual work plans and budgets;
• Ensure that the meetings of the Hukumat and Jamoat are held regularly to ensure accountability and transparency in Project decision-making;
• Ensure that s/he holds regular meetings with all key implementing partners on the ground to discuss Project planning, progress, and issues;
• Assist project management in developing operational procedures for countering the proliferation of COVID-19, as well as facilitate the development and implementation of procedures for countering the proliferation of COVID-19 when working with beneficiaries in the process of project implementation.
• Oversee the development and operation of logistics centres and other infrastructure facilities at the farms supported by the project.
• Observe the programs of the project beneficiaries and the value chain in which they participate.
• Facilitate and assist the project management in the selection and assessment of farm beneficiaries.
• Ensure the proper implementation of the work plans at the regional level and ensure that implementing partners are properly facilitated in the implementation of Project activities;
• Ensure proper keeping of all relevant documents at the regional level and ensure that all information required to prepare the Withdrawal Applications is submitted to the AED PMU in a timely manner;
• Ensure that each participating government line agency designates an overall coordinator for Project activities at the regional level;
• Together with each of the service providers and participating government line agencies at the regional level prepare a monthly work plan.
• S/He will ensure all logistical inputs and operational support for the provision of field visits of the PMU staff/consultants, WB supervision missions, etc.;
• Monitor the performance of the implementing partners at the regional level;
• Ensure that all data is properly recorded as indicated in the MIS developed for the Project and that all information is provided to the designated PMU staff for preparation of the Project reports;
• Ensure that all local procurements are made using the procedures specified in the Financing Agreement and the Project Manuals;
• Promote linkages with other programs and projects that will help to achieve Project objectives at the regional level.


The Regional Coordinator shall work in the Tajik, English and Russian languages. Documents shall be prepared in the English and Russian languages.


• University degree in the field of agriculture, economics, or relevant fields;
• Not less than 5 years of work experience in the field of rural development, community-based initiatives, and agricultural projects funded by international organizations/donors, preferably by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and European Commission
• Valid driving license (B and C categories)
• Knowledge of Tajik and Russian languages, knowledge of English is an advantage;
• Excellent knowledge of computer programs Windows: Word and Excel;
• Good teamwork and communication skills.


State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” (SI AED) now invites qualified specialists with relevant work experience to participate in the competitive selection for the vacant position of the Regional coordinator.
A cover letter and resume in English and Russian languages clearly demonstrating how applicants meet essential qualifications and asset criteria should be submitted to: SI AED PMU at Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. with “Regional coordinator” in the subject line by no later than May 8, 2023 until 17:00. Only full packages will be considered.
Applicants for the position of the Regional coordinator will be selected in accordance with the procedures specified in the “Guidelines for the selection and hiring of Specialists by the World Bank”.
You can get acquainted with the full Terms of Reference of the Regional coordinator in the SI AED PMU at the address: Rudaki district, Jamoat Russia, Village 1-may, house no: 432, Republic of Tajikistan.
Contact phone: (44) 610 00 13; 610 00 14; e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. ; website: www.pmutacp.tj 


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