Понедельник, 24 Апрель 2023 09:09

Assistant of Expeditor/Forwarding Specialist


State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” (SI AED)
Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project (SRASP)

RECRUITMENT: Assistant of Expeditor/Forwarding Specialist - 1 position.

The Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project is funded by the International Development Association (IDA) grant in the amount of US$ 58 million prepared to support Tajikistan for the purpose of building foundations for a more resilient agriculture sector referring to the availability of public agricultural services, including improved seeds, seedlings, and planting materials; agri-logistical services; agrometeorological information, soil testing, locust control, and crop protection. The World Bank approved additional grant financing of US$50 million equivalent grant from the IDA20 Crisis Response Window Early Response Financing (CRW ERF) as additional financing to the SRASP (SRASP AF).

The development objective of the SRASP AF is to strengthen the foundations for a more resilient agricultural sector and support emergency interventions to address food and nutrition security in Tajikistan. The project will provide additional financing (AF) for the following components: (i) strengthening seed, seedling, and planting material systems; (ii) support investments in agri-logistical centers (ALCs) for horticulture value chains; (iii) strengthen public capacity for crises prevention and management; and (iv) project management and coordination.

The Project is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan through the State Institute “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” which is Project Management Unit for the World Bank-funded Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project (SI AED PMU).

The Assistant of Expeditor/Forwarding Specialist will be responsible for providing logistic support and overseeing the overall logistic processes in support of the objectives of the project He/she will be based at the SE “AED PMU” office in Dushanbe and will work closely with government-relevant agencies, beneficiaries, and other Project staff. In his activities, the Specialist follows the Project Operation Manual (POM) of SE “AED PMU”, the Charter of SE “AED PMU”, acting legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, and orders of the AED PMU Management team. The Assistant of the Expeditor/Forwarding Specialist will work under direct supervision and report to Expeditor/Forwarding Specialist

Assistant Expeditor/Forwarding Specialist will be responsible for the following tasks:

• Assist with planning, oversight, management, and coordination of logistics support operations to ensure the smooth accomplishment of projects;
• Work in the relevant agencies, project beneficiaries, and agriculture input providers;
• Assist entails creating a plan or timetable for the movement of materials, heavy equipment, and light trucks;
• Workforce and parts supply in compliance with the project requirements;
• He/she is responsible for the movement of materials to a warehouse location in preparation for shipment, and also conducts receiving activities;
• Assist in preparing shipping documentation and providing support in merging materials into single shipments, including crating and packing when necessary;
• Assist carry out packing, and storage duties in preparation for site-specific beneficiaries and shipment;
• Oversee beneficiaries-based queues and plan and allocate tasks to meet project requirements;
• Assist the program with the final calculation of materials/goods prior to shipment;
• Responsible for supervising and accounting for equipment/goods provided by suppliers;
• Carry out annual property inventory and provide another report in his area of responsibility.

Qualification requirements
• University diploma in agriculture, economics, or equal;
• Prior experience in expeditor or forwarding of goods;
• Minimum 5 years’ experience in public and/or private sector development;
• Minimum 2 years’ experience working with donor organizations;
• Experience in the agriculture sector is desirable;
• Good Computer skills in MS Word, and MS Excel;
• Fluent knowledge of Tajik, and Russian.

The Assistant of Expeditor/Forwarding Specialist shall work in the Tajik and Russian languages. Documents shall be prepared in the Tajik or Russian Language.
State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” (SI AED) now invites qualified specialists with relevant work experience to participate in the competitive selection for the vacant position of the “Assistant of Expeditor/Forwarding Specialist”
A cover letter and resume in English and Russian languages clearly demonstrating how applicants meet essential qualifications and asset criteria should be submitted to: SI AED PMU at Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. with “Assistant of Expeditor/Forwarding Specialist” in the subject line by no later than May 8, 2023 until 5:00 pm. Only full packages will be considered.
Applicants for the position of the Assistant of Expeditor/Forwarding Specialist will be selected in accordance with the procedures specified in the "Guidelines for the selection and hiring of Specialists by the World Bank.

You can get acquainted with the full Terms of Reference (Terms of Reference and Scope of Services) of the Assistant of Expeditor/Forwarding Specialist in the SI AED PMU at the address: Rudaki district, Jamoat Russia, Village 1-may, 432. Republic of Tajikistan, State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” (SI AED)
Contact phone: + Tel / fax: (44) 6100013; (44) 6100014; e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. ; website: www.pmutacp.tj 

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